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Showing posts from February, 2020

Another Asteroid of Doom

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Are we dead yet? Are we dead yet? An asteroid was supposed to hit the earth and kill millions of people, and it missed us by a long shot. This has me on the prod. No, I was not hoping for massive destruction and the deaths of millions of people that would resemble Earth under ten years of leftist dominance. What bothers me is click bait. Credit: Credit: NASA / Don Davis Sensationalism sells. Good journalism and actual reporting, not so much. We saw it in the wold posts about President Trump, anthropogentic climate change, "proof of evolution" articles, among other things that don't tell the truth and ignore important facts. Many people are click bait masters, but social media didn't seem interested in suppressing the fake news. "NASA warns..." No, not really. Scary news in the Daily Mail read, " 140,000 ton asteroid set to narrowly miss Earth in February may destroy SATELLITES... and it could hit us for real in 2020 ...

Free Speech and Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Something I have noticed for a long time is that leftist harassment of their opponents and the atheistic/evolutionist attacks on biblical creationists parallel each other. In fact, these kinds of things seem to be increasing. While leftists and atheists claim to believe in free speech, they only support speech (and thought) on subjects that meet with their approval. This adds to the importance of Question Evolution Day . Intellectual Dishonesty    Maybe it's because of global warming, but more likely it's the commitment to naturalism that prompts the hands at the Darwin Ranch (up yonder near Deception Pass) to hide the truth about evolution . Darwin's handmaidens troll teh interwebs, gleefully attacking and ridiculing believers in biblical creation as well as Christians in general. Those sidewinders are intellectually dishonest, ignoring the fact that they know God does indeed exist (Roman 1:18-23) and refusing to examine additional evid...