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Showing posts with the label Cremation

The Day I Disagreed with Albert Mohler

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen If I made a personal rule not to listen to or read material from people who are smarter than me, I wouldn't have much to do. Instead, I saddle up and ride the harder trail, trying to learn some things from people I can't hold a candle to in the area of intelligence. When disagreeing with someone, a good exercise is to be able to show why you are doing so, even if it only benefits yourself. Sometimes, other people may respect that you gave reasons for your contrary view, because it shows that you're thinking. Image credit: Morguefile /  Kenn W. Kiser This has to do with a topic that is sometimes controversial among Christians. In the October 26, 2016 episode of The Briefing  podcast , Dr. Albert Mohler was discussing the issue of cremation. He was agreeing with the Roman Catholic Church that cremation is not acceptable for professing Christians. One of the reasons is that pagans do it, cremation is not in the Bible, and also, Christians tradit...