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Showing posts with the label Love

Small Demonstrations of Love

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen (Edited for wording August 12, 2024) People have probably noticed that in my articles on grief, I am being transparent. Anyone grieving needs to do this at least with themselves and counselors (which can include caring friends and family). I also admit to muddling through it all and probably never knowing the answers. This time, I am admitting that I underestimated Charlene's love for me. In my defense, we had a time of troubles years ago and she said she did not love me as much as before. In her defense, people change over time and she did indeed love me again later on. The other part is that I did not know how much I love her until she went to be with Jesus. People don't need to dramatically proclaim and demonstrate "I love you!" all the time. Love can be shown in small ways as well, adding up as time passes. Expressions don't have to be material, either. Encouraging remarks, courtesies, showing respect, and other things add up. For exampl