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Showing posts with the label Homosexuality

The Secular Science Industry Propagandizes Same-Sex Attraction

We are told that the peer review process in the secular science industry is a method of providing truth and accuracy, and ensuring correct procedures were followed in submitted papers. That sounds like a mighty good idea, but peer-reviewed papers are often bad,  downright fraudulent, or hoaxes . Homosexual activists passed a peer-reviewed paper in  Science  magazine, but that should not have happened. It was fake science research, and  Science  was embarrassed by the fraudulent tactics. The secular science industry did not seem to learn from this. Assembled with images from Open Clipart After the Science  humiliation and the "We're so sorry if we've caused you any pain, Uncle Albert, and boy, does this hurt the credibility of science itself in the public eye" schtick, the disastrous Obergefell decision by the US Supreme Court struck. (That is one reason I believe we're under divine Judgment .) After that ruling, the militant Gaystapo cut loose with harassin...

Not Love is Not Love

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen While browsing social media, I came across the hash tag, "love is love", which was used in reference to homosexual relationships. This is nothing in which rational people can take pride. People hijacked the word "gay" as well as the rainbow (which they perverted for their own style), and are in open rebellion against God — their behavior is also unnatural. While it is irrational for atheists to wrap their identities in their rebellion against the God they pretend does not exist, it seems even more irrational for people to seek their identities in how they use their genitalia. It's mighty simplistic to write it all off as "love is love". As we have seen in the news and on the web, ever since the US Supreme Court redefined "marriage" to include same-sex relationships , there has been an increase in other deviant groups who want their sexual preferences recognized, accepted, and even celebrated. Those of us who be...

Dangers in Same-Sex "Marriage"

Marriage has been defined as something between a man and a woman for millennia, and original basis was defined by God back in Genesis. Different religions formalize the union in their own way, but still indirectly acknowledge our Creator's design. Cakes with toppers, throwing bouquets, varieties of ceremonies, a passel of superstitions — yeah, we made those, and they're optional. Morguefile / earl53 Over the years, there has been an increasing cry to normalize same-sex unions, and eventually to redefine marriage itself under the pretense of "love". It's not about love, it's about sex, and the desire to destroy both marriage and the family unit itself. The floodgates have been opened (though people said it would not happen), and various unions have been called marriage: man-man, woman-woman, man-woman-woman, woman-tree, and other combinations. After that, the pedophiles and bestiality weirdos wanted "rights". Then there are the transsexual scie...

Taking a Stand for Biblical Truth Regarding Same-Sex "Marriage"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In today's political climate where tolerance has been redefined to mean acceptance, it is risky to stand for biblical truth. Especially regarding homosexual lifestyles and "marriage". People can lose their social media accounts, lose friendships, lose fellowship with liberal Christians, lose their jobs, alienate family members, get sued, and, in some cases, get arrested for "hate speech". Post something some people don't like, they get "offended" and show that those who call for "tolerance" are actually intolerant hypocrites because we can't express our views. Click for larger I know that I am taking a risk by saying that homosexuality is a sin. Despite Joel Osteen and other Rev. Dr. Feelgood preachers, Jesus never promised us an easy time of being a disciple. (I used to have a picture of Jesus with the caption, " I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it ". Not exactly...