by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Just as I was getting ready to write a pseudo-medical post, I saw that I had a risible spam and decided to write about that instead. Writing things that appear on the internet brings unique annoyances. One of these is a kind of targeted spam. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach A spell back, I wrote " Evil People Trying to Prove Evolution ". This was primarily about many wicked things that evolutionary thinking has spawned, with an emphasis on how the "Aryan race" did horrible things to "prove" that the Jews were an inferior race. (I wrote a follow-up satire because feral atheopaths inadvertently confessed to being Nazis .) I did not write about the Wuhan virus at all. Twelve days later, the interesting and amusing spam arrived: Subject line: Piltdownsuperman.Com's support for Black-owned businesses during COVID-19 Emma [Redacted - for now] Hi there, I saw your page
This weblog will focus on my grieving process for a while, and I hope that it will help some people who are going through these things as well. Some of these will be short, some long.