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Showing posts with the label Miracle

Was it a Miracle?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Here's a story I told a few people and wanted to share with y'all. When my father died, I received some money from a trust fund or something. I put it toward a 2003 Hyundai Accent and considered it his last material gift to me. It was a good car for about eight years. Click for larger One day, it wouldn't start. I called the AAA service and they sent someone out. (Couldn't get it to my usual mechanic.) "No, it's not a dead battery, the starter went bad", or words to that effect. It was towed, starter replaced, I paid a lot of money. A few months later, it acted up again, and it was towed to the same service facility. A wire fell off, and I had to pay for that as well. Then a third time, same problem, but they didn't charge me for the repair that time. At this point, the owner of the facility told me there was a problem in the frame. Essentially, it was rotting out from the inside, and he said flat out that he wanted t...