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Showing posts with the label Creation Ministries International

Grassroots, Question Evolution Day, and what is more Important

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Way back on 4 May 2011, Don Batten of Creation Ministries International wrote about a "Question Evolution" campaign. It seemed strange to me, calling it a "grassroots" because it was not initiated at the popular level. Pay attention here. I had a wrong opinion based on conjecture, which is something people do far too often. I did not act on it. Instead, I learned that essentially a grassroots movement/campaign is a way of having the people take action, not a political party or other organization. Those others may initiate the action, however. Grass background for Question Evolution Day from Hippopx CMI seems to have edited down the original, but at the Wayback Machine, you can see an article about the "Question Evolution" campaign plus the comments . Two months later, I added my comment, suggesting a coordinated Question Evolution Day. Nothing happened. If y'all are interested in my comment, click for larger After spearheading

Christmas and the Incarnation

Wow, Christmas already? It feels like a year...okay, it happens that way. This post is a follow-up of sorts to " Christmas is More than People Think ", and it would be helpful to read the article linked there before reading this one. Helpful, but not essential. Most professing Christians and some people who give a nod to it celebrate Christmas. Ask them what it means, you will be told that the Son of God was born. There is far more involved than that simple answer provides. Pixabay / Gerd Altmann As a child raised in the Untied Methodist Church (misspelling intentional), I learned my best theology from the hymns and public reading-mumblings of the creeds in the back of the hymnals. My understanding was still very weak, however. I have a vague recollection of getting on the prod when someone said that Jesus is God: "No he isn't! He's the Son  of God!" Later came knowledge of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Then the phrase, "

Christmas is More than People Think

Many people around the world celebrate Christmas, whether born-again believers, cultural Christians, or others who simply want to participate. Secularism has raised dust clouds that obscure the true meaning, with movies and television shows emphasizing the "spirit" of Christmas without the Spirit. Some groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses shun Christmas. While they may accurately point out the commercialism, they also complain about Jesus as a baby. Well, that is  how the man Jesus entered his creation. But they certainly dislike expository preaching and Christian hymns that have true theology. Christmas crib, Freeimages / GERAS One objection to celebrating Christmas is that most people get the details wrong. Things have been tacked on by tradition and misunderstanding Scripture. Yes, there is some of that . In addition, some people become sanctimonious in their refusal to celebrate, saying that the Bible does not command us to celebrate Christmas or Easter. While we are no

So Many COVID Vaccine Questions

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 9-03-2021 When riding into town for supplies, it did not take long for me to catch on that the fastest way to have someone ready to slap leather is to start discussing SARS-CoV-2. The Rona. COVID-19. This child has long believed in having a passel of information available, but sometimes there is too much. Especially when part of it is false or misleading . Delving into social(ist) media, we see people outraged over mask mandates and the need for vaccinations. Indeed, there are demonstrations in many countries where people object to draconian rules. Modified from a public domain US FDA image (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I'm going to say some things that many people know, but others may not. When I get to the material that gets you angry with me, I'd be much obliged if you'd read on to the end and think about what I'm saying . No, I am not going to tell anyone what to do. I also have questions and need answers. A sing

Earthside Reflections on Apollo 11

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited July 21, 2019 It seems like only yesterday — not really, it seems like fifty years ago that Apollo 11's Lunar Module Eagle landed on the moon. As a nine-year-old boy playing with space toys and waiting for the big event, it seemed interminable. Today, I have a better idea about why NASA did not do things on my impatient timetable. Years later, I learned more about just how dangerous space and space travel can be. Scientists have also learned a great deal. Photo of Edwin Aldrin by Neil Armstrong after being run through FotoSketcher Original photo credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I had plastic models and booklets, but also some vinyl records. The "Talespinners for Children" company had a record album that was like a radio play that went through astronomy with Kepler, Galileo, and others. It also contained audio of the moon landing. I'd like to hear it again. The public and I had moved on. Othe

The Celebration of Christmas

Yes, we celebrate Christmas. No, we will not be manipulated into feeling guilty about it by Reverend Dourpuss or uninformed, legalistic Christians. Or professing atheists who pass along falsehood. Claims that Christmas is based on plagiarized pagan and mythic figures are false, pilgrim. Credit: Pixabay / RitaE I'll allow that there are some errors in our traditions, such as the Magi visiting Jesus in the stable (their visit was a year or two later, and it was probably a large group, not just three). What if Christmas did have pagan associations? If that was true, then Christians who shun Christmas are inconsistent because several things we know and use today actually do have pagan origins — which are largely forgotten. Those people might want to avoid the days of the week and months of the year if they want to be consistent, for example. December 25? I have read and some interesting arguments that insist that Jesus was indeed born on that date. Then I read others that make

Examining the Witnesses of the Resurrection

Using science, psychology, and years of refinement, investigators have developed some rather impressive systems at determining the truth of "Who did it" and "How it happened". This can apply to horrendous criminal cases, reasoning to a conclusion, and other applications. Credit: RGBStock / Robert Linder Circumstantial evidence can only get you so far. Forensic (historical) science involves determining past events with evidence that exists in the present, so it gets mighty difficult when a significant amount of time passes. Eyewitness accounts are extremely important, and when hitched to a team with circumstantial and forensic materials, you are likely to reach a logical conclusion. People who have watched courtroom dramas (on the screen or in person) may have encountered attorneys putting some hard questions to witnesses. This is to establish credibility or discredit the witnesses. In police matters, never let witnesses sit together . Separate them. Why? So

Dangers in Same-Sex "Marriage"

Marriage has been defined as something between a man and a woman for millennia, and original basis was defined by God back in Genesis. Different religions formalize the union in their own way, but still indirectly acknowledge our Creator's design. Cakes with toppers, throwing bouquets, varieties of ceremonies, a passel of superstitions — yeah, we made those, and they're optional. Morguefile / earl53 Over the years, there has been an increasing cry to normalize same-sex unions, and eventually to redefine marriage itself under the pretense of "love". It's not about love, it's about sex, and the desire to destroy both marriage and the family unit itself. The floodgates have been opened (though people said it would not happen), and various unions have been called marriage: man-man, woman-woman, man-woman-woman, woman-tree, and other combinations. After that, the pedophiles and bestiality weirdos wanted "rights". Then there are the transsexual scie