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Showing posts with the label ApologetiX

Question Evolution Day and Evolutionists Suppressing Evidence

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen To celebrate the fifth annual Question Evolution Day , I thought it would be helpful to revisit a logical fallacy that is often used by the Darwinistas. It should be well understood that science thrives on challenge so that a hypothesis or theory can be revised when unsupported by evidence — or discarded entirely. Unfortunately, evolutionary owlhoots often try to lock away contrary evidence, especially when it points to the Creator. Can't have that, it interferes with naturalistic presuppositions . Image credit: Pixabay / tpsdave Among the logical fallacies that anti-creationists employ is the fallacy of exclusion. (For an earlier article with a funny video I did on this subject, click here .) This fallacy has variations and different names, including cherry picking, suppressed evidence, card stacking, incomplete evidence, and more. Many people believe in scum-to-scientist evolution because they are simply not given all the evidence. Making a conjec

Making Money From End of the World Fears

Making Money From End of the World Fears: Why Unbelievers Hate Christians, Part 1 by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some of the material here will be outdated very quickly. However, the principles will be distressingly relevant for quite some time. Also, this is not my primary Weblog, so it is not updated all that often. I was going to write a book about "Why Unbelievers Hate Us", but not only was I busy with my creation science ministry , but so many examples would make the book so huge, it would fill up a saddlebag and make your horse list to one side. The preaching of the cross is offensive (Gal. 5:11, 1 Cor. 1:18-20), and the unsaved people hate us (John 15:20, 1 Cor. 2:14, Matt. 5:11). Indeed, they react without conscious choices because they are under the control of the father down below (John 8:44).  They don't want to hear that they are sinners in need of repentance (Luke 24:46-47), and that Christians have repented for salvation and adoption as children of the livi