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Showing posts with the label Christian

Lying or Disagreement?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Included in the Terms of Service for being a biblical creationist and going against the evolutionary consensus includes acquiring stalkers, hate mail, ridicule, libel, and more (which really stinks when those things are coming from professing Christians, but we expect that kind of activity from atheists). But hey, the Terms of Service are clear about unbelievers (John 8:44, 1 Cor. 2:14, Eph. 2:3, Psalm 53:1, Rom. 1:18-22, Eph. 2:12, 2 Tim. 2:26, 1 John 5:19). There's a principle called the "noetic effect of sin" or "noetic effect of the fall", where sin touches all aspects of someone's life, including their thought processes. Keep an eye out, there are people who can be brilliant for the most part, but when they talk about God, their reasoning is the equivalent of kicking a fresh cow pie on a hot day. In their drive to rail against creationists or certain Christians, you can see people who are so consumed with hate that they

Taking a Stand for Biblical Truth Regarding Same-Sex "Marriage"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In today's political climate where tolerance has been redefined to mean acceptance, it is risky to stand for biblical truth. Especially regarding homosexual lifestyles and "marriage". People can lose their social media accounts, lose friendships, lose fellowship with liberal Christians, lose their jobs, alienate family members, get sued, and, in some cases, get arrested for "hate speech". Post something some people don't like, they get "offended" and show that those who call for "tolerance" are actually intolerant hypocrites because we can't express our views. Click for larger I know that I am taking a risk by saying that homosexuality is a sin. Despite Joel Osteen and other Rev. Dr. Feelgood preachers, Jesus never promised us an easy time of being a disciple. (I used to have a picture of Jesus with the caption, " I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it ". Not exactly

Landing Space

The last thing I need is another Weblog, but there are several reasons for making this one. It will be a landing space for people who want to know about the various places that I write posts and articles (" Piltdown Superman " is my most active). The list of pages at the top are where I'm currently active, and I will be adding a few more, including my Christian testimony, maybe a "best of", as well as some others. This is , and redirects here. No, I don't think I look like Rembrandt's scholar . A rather lengthy testimony will be posted at a later date, but I'll tell you a little about myself. Some people put me on their enemies lists, since I am a Bible-believing Christian, biblical ("young earth") creationist, use Scripture and science to refute evolution, have a presuppositional apologetics streak (there is no "leave the Bible out of this and use neutral ground" in me), and