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Poor Choice of Business Names

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Business often try to attract attention from prospective customers with advertisements and logos, but those efforts can be negated when the name is unimpressive. Some names resonate, but bad names can lead to catastrophic marketing systems failures. Names seem all right at first glance, but may put people off if they think about them. This chicken is not impressed and has nothing to do with this article. Credit: Pixabay /  Andy M All y'all have probably seen pictures and lists of interesting names. Some are designed to get your attention with humor , others  are unfortunate for various reasons . (My advice to people who want to use their name in their business but the name is a bit odd: reconsider, or play it up.) I come across interesting names in the course of my duties and wanted to pick on one in particular. No need to give you more than the word evolution . It is used as part of the name of several physical rehabilitation companies. While I ha

Another Asteroid of Doom

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Are we dead yet? Are we dead yet? An asteroid was supposed to hit the earth and kill millions of people, and it missed us by a long shot. This has me on the prod. No, I was not hoping for massive destruction and the deaths of millions of people that would resemble Earth under ten years of leftist dominance. What bothers me is click bait. Credit: Credit: NASA / Don Davis Sensationalism sells. Good journalism and actual reporting, not so much. We saw it in the wold posts about President Trump, anthropogentic climate change, "proof of evolution" articles, among other things that don't tell the truth and ignore important facts. Many people are click bait masters, but social media didn't seem interested in suppressing the fake news. "NASA warns..." No, not really. Scary news in the Daily Mail read, " 140,000 ton asteroid set to narrowly miss Earth in February may destroy SATELLITES... and it could hit us for real in 2020

Free Speech and Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Something I have noticed for a long time is that leftist harassment of their opponents and the atheistic/evolutionist attacks on biblical creationists parallel each other. In fact, these kinds of things seem to be increasing. While leftists and atheists claim to believe in free speech, they only support speech (and thought) on subjects that meet with their approval. This adds to the importance of Question Evolution Day . Intellectual Dishonesty    Maybe it's because of global warming, but more likely it's the commitment to naturalism that prompts the hands at the Darwin Ranch (up yonder near Deception Pass) to hide the truth about evolution . Darwin's handmaidens troll teh interwebs, gleefully attacking and ridiculing believers in biblical creation as well as Christians in general. Those sidewinders are intellectually dishonest, ignoring the fact that they know God does indeed exist (Roman 1:18-23) and refusing to examine additional evid

Trump Voters and Fairy Tales

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are several reasons I believe that people dislike Donald Trump: He is not a member of the Career Politicians Club®, so is not easily controlled by special interest groups Trump already has money (he even donates his presidential salary ), so he is less likely to be influenced that way Environmentalist nuts are angry that he does not fall for their global warming pressures and rejected the ridiculous Paris Accord , and the US is better on the environment than India, China, and the like He doesn't roll over and play dead when the leftist media and politicians lie about him  Voting fraud is rampant such as voting under names of dead people and busing illegals to the polls), so when Democrats claim that Shrillary won the popular vote (read: dominated by large urban centers and not the rest of the country), I lack belief that this is accurate The President is very strongly pro-life — which is probably the biggest reason leftists hate him Someone

Judging Kanye West

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article takes a very different approach for me because I am not a fan of rap or Kanye West, nor have I heard his release titled Jesus Is King. I had read about West's conversion to Jesus Christ and have been surprised by his pro-life stance and assertion that black people do not have to automatically vote Democrat . Now he is on trial. Credit: FreeImages / Jason Morrison Don't be disunderstanding me now, pilgrim. Mr. West is not going before a tribunal or standing trial in a court of law that I know of. No, he is on trial in far worse places: the courts of public opinion and the judgement of professing Christians. There is a podcast called Cultish that examines false religions and has interviews with people who have left various cults, but the people at Cultish rode a side trail to discuss Kanye and Christians. What is happening here has resonated with me, because some religious folks can be petty and judgemental. (On the other hand, w

Slaves, Masters, and our Workplace Reputations

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Every once in a while, I commence to cognating and sometimes writing about reputations. In my sixty years, I've seen and sometimes experienced how things like trust, respect, honor, and reputations take a mighty long time to build on the positive side but can be destroyed in a hurry. Joseph, son of Israel, as a powerful ruler in Egypt Image credit: Free Christian Illustrations The largest section of Genesis, chapters 37-50, have Joseph the son of Israel (Jacob) who was despised by his brothers and sold into slavery in Egypt. Potiphar was important in Egypt and Joseph impressed him so much that Potiphar put him in a position of power. When Joe turned down the Pot-man's wife for a roll in the hay, she lied about him. Joe's reputation was negated because someone in a respected, noble position lied. Joseph was thrown in prison but the jailer in chief was so impressed by him that he basically let him have the run of the place. A new reputation

Seeing What We Expect

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A few days ago, I was reminded of something I learned about proofreading. Serious publications do not have authors proofread their own work because they see what they expect. People have a tendency to "fill in the blanks" when information is missing so they can make sense of a situation, and this applies to proofreading. If you must do your own, try not to do it on the same day. Fast readers are more prone to making mistakes. Credit: RGBStock / gabriel The human mind can fool itself, but not computers. Those things are extremely literal, and just one piece of misplaced code can have unpleasant results, as I have seen when tampering with the HTML on these here sites of mine.  Since my paying job is data entry, I can listen to the audio of videos and use text-to-speech so I can listen to articles, books, and so on. Someone fouled up in an article, and one letter made the difference. I have little doubt that I would have caught the error that esc