Marriage has been defined as something between a man and a woman for millennia, and original basis was defined by God back in Genesis. Different religions formalize the union in their own way, but still indirectly acknowledge our Creator's design. Cakes with toppers, throwing bouquets, varieties of ceremonies, a passel of superstitions — yeah, we made those, and they're optional.
Over the years, there has been an increasing cry to normalize same-sex unions, and eventually to redefine marriage itself under the pretense of "love". It's not about love, it's about sex, and the desire to destroy both marriage and the family unit itself. The floodgates have been opened (though people said it would not happen), and various unions have been called marriage: man-man, woman-woman, man-woman-woman, woman-tree, and other combinations. After that, the pedophiles and bestiality weirdos wanted "rights". Then there are the transsexual science deniers. Things have become outrageous in a hurry, and it's being brought by a small percentage of the population. Why are the rest of us giving in? Rebellion against God.
There's an old story that someone asked, "If you call a sheep's tail a leg, how many legs does it have?" The answer is four, because calling the tail a leg does not make it become a leg. Same with marriage. You can't redefine reality to fit your personal preferences. Nor can your harm God's will, and society itself, because you want something, you savvy?
Morguefile / earl53 |
There's an old story that someone asked, "If you call a sheep's tail a leg, how many legs does it have?" The answer is four, because calling the tail a leg does not make it become a leg. Same with marriage. You can't redefine reality to fit your personal preferences. Nor can your harm God's will, and society itself, because you want something, you savvy?
Even now that same-sex marriage has become widely accepted in many countries, Christians cannot surrender. We must continue to lovingly and graciously stand for the truth. Also, if we want to be effective, we must learn to articulate the reasons why gay marriage not only violates God’s moral standard, but actually harms society. Indeed, a faulty view of marriage will create many victims, as we highlight in response to today’s question.You can find out the question and the excellent response by clicking on "How gay marriage harms people — Three reasons that abandoning God’s design for marriage is bad for society".
G.P. from the U.S. asked: