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Showing posts with the label Atheism

Thoughts on the Passing of Billy Graham

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen On February 21, 2018, a man beloved by millions of Christians died. Billy Graham was 99 years old, and spent decades preaching the straightforward gospel. I am not going to give you a mini biography since many other people have already done that. However, I have some things to say about him. Interesting that my father, a pastor in the ever-increasingly liberal United Methodist denomination, was fond of this Baptist preacher. Franklin (left) and Billy Graham, 1995, photo by Paul Walsh People packed out entire stadiums to see Billy Graham crusades, and many of those were supporters, some excited about his celebrity status, Christians bringing friends, the curious — and those who didn't know why, but were drawn by the Spirit of God. Although I had never attended a formal crusade, I think I was taken to see an associate of Graham, Leighton Ford . Back when I was a youngster, I was taken to see a movie from World Wide Pictures, the cinematic division of

Mike Rowe Faces Intolerance of Opposing Views

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People who watched the television show Dirty Jobs  that highlighted people who perform unpleasant and often hazardous work that allow the rest of us to keep our clothes and fingernails tidy know the host Mike Rowe. (The camera crew deserves high marks for getting involved as well!) If they doin't know him from the show, they may know his voice but not his name: this former opera singer uses his fabulous voice to narrate many documentaries and such. He is a professing Christian and an outspoken political Conservative, and uses his intelligence and wit to discuss his views. Someone may say that he's not a "real" Christian because he uses the occasional profanity, but I don't have such insight into someone's soul. Mike Rowe image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Sklmsta I did not know that he also narrates a show called How the Universe Works, which promotes secular views on that subject, until a reader of The Question Evolution Projec

Blamestorming and Leftist Morality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Several things converged in my consciousness over the past several days, and I felt compelled to write about them. Someone made a post long ago suggesting new words for the times, one of which was blamestorming. (Apparently it was added to the dictionary in later years.) Essentially, blamestorming is where people try to find a way to assign blame instead of solving a problem. I believe that some jaspers will simply place blame for its own sake, often for the purpose of ridicule, and to build up their own egos at the expense of other people or concepts with which they disagree — often labeling them evil. Ships of Columbus , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1880 Blaming Christopher Columbus Relevant for today is the outrage from social justice warriors about Columbus Day. One particularly risible statement on the web is along the lines of, "You can celebrate Columbus Day by going to someone else's house and saying that you live there now". Some areas eve

Using Irony for Effect

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 9-18-2017 After I get this here article done, I am going to submit it to the Irony Board for approval. Unfortunately, the words irony, ironic and related words are greatly overused, and often incorrectly. I've been confused myself because of seeing many instances of, "This is ironic..." that may or may not have been used correctly. Seems that quite a few people are uncertain about the proper usage, and there is a site where someone can ask if something is ironic . What is the real meaning? The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as , "a situation in which something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite or a very different result". But irony has several meanings and applications, which includes using it as a literary device. Using this picture of iron in an article about irony is a play on words, it is not ironic. Credit: Pixabay / ptdh . I've been accused of unintended irony against myself on

Rejected — and Accepted

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Heard a message by Dr. Charles Stanley about rejection. I don't cotton to stuff about building up your self-esteem since those are usually humanistic platitudes, and there's not a great deal of truth there. While most of us deal with some form of it every day, rejection can cut to a person's core. Worse, people will use rejection to manipulate people. Depending on the impact of the rejection (a child by parents, former spouses or romantic interests, a powerful boss, and so on), scars can last a lifetime, and people try to earn some kind of acceptance in the aftermath. Some are so programmed for defeat, they set themselves up for failure and say, "See? I'm no good". What do I have to offer? What makes me successful? Not a hatful. A poorly-paying job that cheats me out of my wages, no books published, no riches or fame, reasonably bright but not a genius. Certain atheists and evolutionists hate me with a passion because of my activ

Brian Thomas of ICR Visits Ark Encounter

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This post may put some creation science ministries on the prod, but I reckon that people expect me to be a straight shooter. My problem is that I perceive some ministries are acting like competitors instead of co-laborers. Y'all probably heard that Answers in Genesis has a replica of Noah's Ark called Ark Encounter that was built as close to biblical specifications as they could manage, but was not meant to float (the regulations involved for that aspect would be prohibitive, I expect). Eric Hovind of Creation Today was involved, but other prominent ministries have been largely silent about it. Shouldn't they be offering congratulations? Creation Ministries International has mentioned it as a side note in an article about Ark reconstructions . It will have been open for one year on July 7. Image courtesy of Answers In Genesis One reason that I believe other Christians and creationists should take a stand with Answers in Genesis is the attac

A Deceptive Humanist Christmas Song

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The late Greg Lake, most notably of the progressive rock bands King Crimson and Emerson, Lake and Palmer had a "Christmas" song that wasn't. The lyrics were written by Peter Sinfield. There are conflicting accounts and misconceptions about "I Believe in Father Christmas", that it is a Christmas song, it was never intended to be such ("...about a loss of innocence and childhood belief"), Vietnam war protest, it's an atheist song, it's not atheist but rather "humanist" (as if there's a difference), and so on. I'll allow that it has excellent music and thought-provoking lyrics. Sinfield wrote lyrics for ELP and King Crimson, and Lake wrote many lyrics himself, including all of those on ELP's Tarkus album . One of these was " The Only Way (Hymn) ", a mocking anti-theistic and anti-Christian song , including the lyrics, "Don't need the word now that you've heard. Don't be

What If I'm Right?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen No, this isn't a form of Pascal's Wager . I just got to speculating one day. Eschatology is not my strong point. I'll hear arguments from Amillennialists and Preterists (not the hyperpreterist heretics, though) that make some good points. However, I believe that the Premillennialist pre-tribulation rapture position is the strongest. Unfortunately, there are professing Christian sanctimonious tinhorns in various camps who take the "Premillennialism is a heresy that must be refuted " view. Not interested. Some even use the appeal to motive  fallacy of "Pretribs just want to escape, so they want to sit around doing nothing while they wait for Jesus to come and take them away". I don't cotton to the opposite happening, either. That's no way for Christians to act! Have rational discussions, if you please. " The Last Judgement " by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1904 Seems like through the ages, people have been saying t

Making Money From End of the World Fears

Making Money From End of the World Fears: Why Unbelievers Hate Christians, Part 1 by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some of the material here will be outdated very quickly. However, the principles will be distressingly relevant for quite some time. Also, this is not my primary Weblog, so it is not updated all that often. I was going to write a book about "Why Unbelievers Hate Us", but not only was I busy with my creation science ministry , but so many examples would make the book so huge, it would fill up a saddlebag and make your horse list to one side. The preaching of the cross is offensive (Gal. 5:11, 1 Cor. 1:18-20), and the unsaved people hate us (John 15:20, 1 Cor. 2:14, Matt. 5:11). Indeed, they react without conscious choices because they are under the control of the father down below (John 8:44).  They don't want to hear that they are sinners in need of repentance (Luke 24:46-47), and that Christians have repented for salvation and adoption as children of the livi

Interview on "A View from the Bunker"

Maybe he's scrounging for material, but Derek Gilbert allowed me back on his show. SCIENTISTS HAVE found–not for the first time–blood and soft tissue inside dinosaur bones. How is it that tissue that decomposes in at most 2.7 million years (when frozen) can remain fresh inside 65-75 million year old fossils? Cowboy Bob Sorensen, creator of the Question Evolution Project, joins us to discuss the evidence (including Carbon-14 in dinosaur bones) and some of the logical fallacies of Darwinists. See Bob’s other resources at It can be heard or downloaded at " VFTB 253: Cowboy Bob Sorensen – Dinosaur Blood ".