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Showing posts from April, 2019

Clothing, Modesty, and the Resurrection

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Until the last few years, people knew that men and women are different . Not only do we have distinct biological differences that are important medically and in other ways, but it is the way God designed life. We are also psychologically different. It is indeed unfortunate that I have to state what was formerly obvious. Credit: Flickr / Mike Baird ( CC by 2.0 ) The University of Notre Dame was a religious school last I knew, and as such, claimed to uphold certain standards. Apparently modesty is not so important. One of the differences between men and women is that us menfolk are visually stimulated. Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. discussed a problem at the university where a mother wrote a column in the student newspaper about leggings. I highly recommend his March 29, 2018 The Briefing podcast that can be heard online, downloaded, or you can read the transcript. One of the various names for this piece of hosiery for women is yoga pants , which shows t...

Workforce Hero

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 4-15-2019 Many of us who have jobs know the frustration of having upper management make demands, expecting those of us who actually do the work to somehow make their dreams and their bonuses come true. Unfortunately, too many people in their positions do not know how things work, but they make promises to clients that cannot realistically be fulfilled. I say that the motto of The Company is the song by Queen, "I Want It All (and I Want It Now)". USSR Order of Labor Glory 3rd Class Medal Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Fdutil ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) While my work at The Question Evolution Project and the Piltdown Superman site (among others) sometimes feels like a full-time job, I have a day job to pay the bills. It is a data entry job, so you can imagine the eye strain from doing that plus writing posts and articles. My own social media rules are stricter than those of The Company because all y'all don't need to know where I work. On...