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Showing posts with the label Black Friday

The Demise of Black Friday?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  "Whatcha doin' strappin' on them shootin' irons, Jake?" "Come on, Luke, ya know it's Black Friday. A guy wants to get a deal, and crowds get mighty ornery." A scene from no Western show ever. That's because insane shopping the day after Thanksgiving is a relatively new invention. Sure, there have been various events in history with the moniker of Black Friday, but the version we know today apparently did not begin until the 1980s . Now it's a "tradition" tacked onto Thanksgiving. That Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and others are considered launches for the Christmas retail season, so insane shopping the Friday after Thanksgiving (where people seem to have forgotten being thankful and their greed kicks in). Shopping seasons and Black Friday went together. Mostly made at  Custom Tombstone Maker Years ago, I worked in a retail store that was giving away some silly thing to the first hundred customers. Peopl...