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Showing posts from September, 2019

Creation Science and the Age of the Earth

First, a bit of behind the scenes for y'all. This site is something I registered because of sidewinders who have tried to dry gulch my name through impersonation. It also is a marker of sorts for some of my activities on teh interweb, so it's also useful. I try to post here about once a month to keep it active. But there's more in this instance. Earth from Apollo 10, May 18, 1969 via NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I wanted to post an article from Answers in Genesis about the age of the earth directly to The Question Evolution Project on Facebook. Although I often post material from AiG, this one was instantly refused for alleged violations of their "Community Standards". Science and biblical history are streng verboten in this case? Well another case, I had to do something similar, but I disremember when. Used under Fair Use provisions Click for larger Posts and articles from this site, Biblical Creation and Evangelism ,...