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Showing posts with the label ApologetiX

Springtime Reminders of Life During Sorrow

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Waking up just before 5 the AM alarm, I try to be quiet and do not stomp around — unlike some folks. The sun has not shown itself in these parts yet. Early spring, but so far, it has been cold and rainy more often than not. Mostly silent outside...and then, "Chirpity derp, chirpity derp." The robin wants to get things going with the morning song. It worked. The northern cardinal selects one of many songs, one I say is, "Birdie birdie birdie tweet tweet tweet tweet ." Robin and bluebird, Birds of New York , Louis Agassiz Fuertes , 1912 The robin is the state bird of Michigan, where I spent my first forty years. (During the day and especially the evening, they are so fussy , clucking and scolding...) After my first marriage failed, I moved to New York to be with Charlene — in almost the same map latitude. When she died seven months ago, a part of me died with her and I did not want to go on. But she would want me to do just that. Charlene loved...

Missing Her on Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Today is the thirteenth annual Question Evolution Day , and is a surprising entry in the Year of Firsts without Charlene. I invented the thing, inspired by the Question Evolution! campaign  by Creation Ministries International (my comment as "Robert S." was posted on July 4, 2011.) At first, QED was not something we did together. After a radio interview I had, the host suggested some things to enhance the observance. These included food items. We ended up planning on doing this annually. Made at RedKid Today I made pancakes and found out why blueberries are preferred over blackberries: Those puppies were an inch long and lumpy, making for uneven cooking. Charlene would have known better, and I had to learn it my ownself. For supper, I'm going to open up a can of split pea soup (primordial slime) and do fish fry takeout (Darwin's disciples believed we evolved from fish) from the same diner we've done before. She's not here to make a laye...

Celebrating the Resurrection in 2023

Most professing Christians around the world are celebrating the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! If it had not happened, our faith is in vain (1 Cor. 15:12-19). But it did  happen and is the best-attested fact of ancient history. Those who are in Christ are forgiven and adopted as children of God (1 John 1:12-13.)  Like last year, no full post today but I am going to link to my other posts on the subject: Doubt Creation, so Doubt the Resurrection? The Trail of the Resurrection from Genesis (which I had written about a year ago in case I was not around to post something for this year) Resurrection or Evolution as a Basis for Hope Bible with Resurrection account and flowers, Unsplash / Anuja Mary Tilj As a bonus, here is a short post from Jimmy, " This Sunday at Church: Being Grateful for the Resurrection of Christ ." Please pray that God blesses his missions trip and for safe travels. Also, Why?Outreach has reposted a link to a collection of links regarding ...

Who is it For?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As much as I dislike titles that are in the form of a question (there always seems to be some jasper who has an "answer" and feels no need to read the material before commenting), this is vague enough to cause curiosity. Every once in a while, I notice people who are fond of keeping with the latest trends, many of those are related to fashion. Many people feel compelled to follow the trends. This may involve investing a great deal of time and money, but trends change frequently. Some slang terms only lasted a few years and will cause a user to be scorned by the trendy. (I use some to be humorous or individual.) Who are they dressing, getting hairstyles, speaking, listening to certain music, etc., for ? Paris Fashions in Peterson's Magazine , February 1871 — these were being sold about the time Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex was published It is my view that people seek attention and approval when they do th...

Fun with Neanderthal Pictures

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  This is a quick bit of weirdness that I came across when preparing for a post. The article that will be featured involves a Darwinian fantasy about pre-humans and how chewing helped their brains get bigger. Yes, some jaspers really think that. The article goes on to discuss fire and cooked food and had a picture of allegedly primitive hominins around a fire Since I do not like to use the same image used by the post I am featuring, I remembered this one, which has been listed as public domain: Artist's conception of Neanderthals 60,000 years ago, NASA / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Although the picture is all over the web, some users gave credit to the source. (I like to do that as well, even when not required.) It's supposed to be humans at 60,000 Darwin years ago, and some credits say that those are Neanderthals. (The article at the link below the picture implies they were looking at Mars during a close approach to Ea...

Resurrection Day 2022

Glory to God, Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! That means he has defeated death, and all who believe in him have the blessed hope of eternal life. There is a fearful expectation of eternal life in Hell for those who have rejected God's offer of salvation. It is amazing that atheists are so hateful, and without hope in life, that they not only spit in the face of Jesus, but try to destroy our faith. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Our hope is certain because it is based on the person of Jesus. Don't let anyone try to take your eyes off him! Pixabay / congerdesign I'm not going to post an article here. Instead, here's a list of what I've written up for this Easter season. Some of these were written several months in advance: The Crucifixion and Counting to Three — People say it is not possible to get three days from the Crucifixion on Friday to the Resurrection on Sunday. Modern readers of ancient texts have a habit of imposing their own culture...

Christmas is More than People Think

Many people around the world celebrate Christmas, whether born-again believers, cultural Christians, or others who simply want to participate. Secularism has raised dust clouds that obscure the true meaning, with movies and television shows emphasizing the "spirit" of Christmas without the Spirit. Some groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses shun Christmas. While they may accurately point out the commercialism, they also complain about Jesus as a baby. Well, that is  how the man Jesus entered his creation. But they certainly dislike expository preaching and Christian hymns that have true theology. Christmas crib, Freeimages / GERAS One objection to celebrating Christmas is that most people get the details wrong. Things have been tacked on by tradition and misunderstanding Scripture. Yes, there is some of that . In addition, some people become sanctimonious in their refusal to celebrate, saying that the Bible does not command us to celebrate Christmas or Easter. While we are no...

The Secular Science Industry Propagandizes Same-Sex Attraction

We are told that the peer review process in the secular science industry is a method of providing truth and accuracy, and ensuring correct procedures were followed in submitted papers. That sounds like a mighty good idea, but peer-reviewed papers are often bad,  downright fraudulent, or hoaxes . Homosexual activists passed a peer-reviewed paper in  Science  magazine, but that should not have happened. It was fake science research, and  Science  was embarrassed by the fraudulent tactics. The secular science industry did not seem to learn from this. Assembled with images from Open Clipart After the Science  humiliation and the "We're so sorry if we've caused you any pain, Uncle Albert, and boy, does this hurt the credibility of science itself in the public eye" schtick, the disastrous Obergefell decision by the US Supreme Court struck. (That is one reason I believe we're under divine Judgment .) After that ruling, the militant Gaystapo cut loose with harassin...

My Slip is Showing

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  The title is a bit outdated, referring to a piece of women's clothing worn under a dress. They are less common now because of new styles. A woman would be embarrassed to be told, "Your slip is showing". Since I like word play, this is going to add another meaning: Freudian slip. Someone has a slip of the tongue, a so-called Freudian slip (parapraxis), and some people act like psychology experts. The misstatement becomes a "Gotcha!" moment because inner truth was revealed. Original image: Pixabay /  ArtTower Although many people think that Ziggy Freud, the putative father of psychoanalysis, is still revered among psychologists, quite the opposite is true. Freud was a fraud and most experts in psychology do not take him seriously anymore. Some of his lingo is still with us, and a few things may have an iota of validity. We all have verbal slip-ups. They may be caused by fatigue, being preoccupied, distracted, or whatever. Sometimes they...

Shining the Light on a Darwinist Deceiver

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is part 2 of Conspiracy Theories, Creation, and Reason , but takes a different approach. We saw how a number of factors contribute to the act of purveying conspiracy theories, and how there are several reasons why people believe them. Then there is the alleged creation science conspiracy. Credit: Unsplash / Steve Johnson We have three articles to consider, two of which are from the same ministry. Naturally there will be some overlap, but they each offer material that comprise a larger picture. There was a time when if someone had a question about, say, that 2002 email saying the teddy bear icon in Windows was really a virus. They could check Snopes and find out that it was a hoax , and they could search for urban legends. Unfortunately, they became heavily involved in promoting leftist political views with "fact checking", and their credibility became questionable. Snopes even attacked the parody site Babylon Bee (one of whose slogans is " fa...

Getting Spammed about Evil People and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Just as I was getting ready to write a pseudo-medical post, I saw that I had a risible spam and decided to write about that instead. Writing things that appear on the internet brings unique annoyances. One of these is a kind of targeted spam. Background image furnished by  Why?Outreach A spell back, I wrote " Evil People Trying to Prove Evolution ". This was primarily about many wicked things that evolutionary thinking has spawned, with an emphasis on how the "Aryan race" did horrible things to "prove" that the Jews were an inferior race. (I wrote a follow-up satire because feral atheopaths inadvertently confessed to being Nazis .) I did not write about the Wuhan virus at all. Twelve days later, the interesting and amusing spam arrived: Subject line: Piltdownsuperman.Com's support for Black-owned businesses during COVID-19 Emma [Redacted - for now] Hi there, I saw your page

Free Speech and Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Something I have noticed for a long time is that leftist harassment of their opponents and the atheistic/evolutionist attacks on biblical creationists parallel each other. In fact, these kinds of things seem to be increasing. While leftists and atheists claim to believe in free speech, they only support speech (and thought) on subjects that meet with their approval. This adds to the importance of Question Evolution Day . Intellectual Dishonesty    Maybe it's because of global warming, but more likely it's the commitment to naturalism that prompts the hands at the Darwin Ranch (up yonder near Deception Pass) to hide the truth about evolution . Darwin's handmaidens troll teh interwebs, gleefully attacking and ridiculing believers in biblical creation as well as Christians in general. Those sidewinders are intellectually dishonest, ignoring the fact that they know God does indeed exist (Roman 1:18-23) and refusing to examine additional evid...

Slaves, Masters, and our Workplace Reputations

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Every once in a while, I commence to cognating and sometimes writing about reputations. In my sixty years, I've seen and sometimes experienced how things like trust, respect, honor, and reputations take a mighty long time to build on the positive side but can be destroyed in a hurry. Joseph, son of Israel, as a powerful ruler in Egypt Image credit: Free Christian Illustrations The largest section of Genesis, chapters 37-50, have Joseph the son of Israel (Jacob) who was despised by his brothers and sold into slavery in Egypt. Potiphar was important in Egypt and Joseph impressed him so much that Potiphar put him in a position of power. When Joe turned down the Pot-man's wife for a roll in the hay, she lied about him. Joe's reputation was negated because someone in a respected, noble position lied. Joseph was thrown in prison but the jailer in chief was so impressed by him that he basically let him have the run of the place. A new reputation ...

Having a Purpose in Life

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen You may have what you consider your purpose in life, and it varies by individuals. Some want to succeed in the business world, others want to watch the world burn. You may be a doctor, lawyer, scientist, teacher, welder, construction worker, stay-at-home-mom, or a host of other possibilities. You may be shocked — shocked  I say — to learn that jobs, hobbies, and religions are not our primary sources for purposeful lives. Credit: Freeimages /  Thad Zajdowicz I've heard it said that men are hard-wired to get their satisfaction in life from their jobs. That doesn't happen for me since I'm just a data entry clerk, but I am able to listen to podcasts and articles to try to make myself more smarter and anthropomorphic. Some people consider it their duties to save the world from biblical creation science, Conservative politics, "infidels", and others they despise using any means necessary. One feckless sidewinder wants to destroy creatio...

The Big Bang of Thrones Game Theory

Step aside, guard! The king must use the throne. No, this is just a game. Two television programs have ended that were loved by many. One was a fantasy drama called  Game of Thrones, the other was a comedy known as The Big Bang Theory.  From what I read, both generated quite a bit of emotion in some folks.  Background image before malevolentification by NASA / WMAP Science Team (ain't no way they endorse any part of this site), with a graphic from Clker clipart I didn't care. Two shows that people talked about that had many episodes, and I never saw any. Previews for The Big Bang Theory  struck me as silly and I didn't want to spend time on it. Game of Thrones  has been described as not only violent and trying to be politically correct, but it had graphic violence and was pornographic. via GIPHY Fans were disappointed in the ending  of GoT, I'm sad to know that some professing Christians were putting that kind of thing in their minds. So...

Using Question Evolution Day to Confront Fake Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some of the advantages of Question Evolution Day are to encourage people to use and develop critical thinking skills, have a spirit of inquiry, and develop healthy skepticism regarding scientific pronouncements. (An example of this can be found in my article on how hummingbirds "evolved" at " Hummingbirds Evolving for Combat? ") Secularists get so all-fired determined to convince people of their materialistic views that they get on the prod when their depradations are brought to light. This is readily apparent in the global climate change propaganda. Made at Add Letters Scientists make pronouncements when they do not have all the facts or have an adequate understanding of the topic at hand. Yes, it is the nature of science to change and develop when new information is obtained, but when it comes to subjects like origins and climate change, they present fake science with spiteful intent despite inadequate information or investigation....