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Showing posts with the label Donald Trump

So Many COVID Vaccine Questions

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 9-03-2021 When riding into town for supplies, it did not take long for me to catch on that the fastest way to have someone ready to slap leather is to start discussing SARS-CoV-2. The Rona. COVID-19. This child has long believed in having a passel of information available, but sometimes there is too much. Especially when part of it is false or misleading . Delving into social(ist) media, we see people outraged over mask mandates and the need for vaccinations. Indeed, there are demonstrations in many countries where people object to draconian rules. Modified from a public domain US FDA image (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I'm going to say some things that many people know, but others may not. When I get to the material that gets you angry with me, I'd be much obliged if you'd read on to the end and think about what I'm saying . No, I am not going to tell anyone what to do. I also have questions and need answers. A sing...

Silencing President Trump and Me

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is going to cover a few shocking points that should be of concern to people who value free speech. Donald Trump and I are best buddies — yeah, like he knows that I even exist. But we do have a few things in common regarding censorship. Made at PhotoFunia I was riding the Fakebook trail one night in March of 2013 when I was suddenly booted. Huh? They demanded proof of my age! After complying, I was told,  Upon investigation, we have determined that you are ineligible to use Facebook. You can view our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities at the following address: Unfortunately, for safety and security reasons, we cannot provide additional information as to why your account was disabled. This decision is final. Thanks for your understanding Security reasons? Oh, please! Upon searching, this has happened to other people as well. They did not receive explanations or reinstatement, either. I thought it was a flu...

Trump Voters and Fairy Tales

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are several reasons I believe that people dislike Donald Trump: He is not a member of the Career Politicians Club®, so is not easily controlled by special interest groups Trump already has money (he even donates his presidential salary ), so he is less likely to be influenced that way Environmentalist nuts are angry that he does not fall for their global warming pressures and rejected the ridiculous Paris Accord , and the US is better on the environment than India, China, and the like He doesn't roll over and play dead when the leftist media and politicians lie about him  Voting fraud is rampant such as voting under names of dead people and busing illegals to the polls), so when Democrats claim that Shrillary won the popular vote (read: dominated by large urban centers and not the rest of the country), I lack belief that this is accurate The President is very strongly pro-life — which is probably the biggest reason leftists hate him Someone...

Blamestorming and Leftist Morality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Several things converged in my consciousness over the past several days, and I felt compelled to write about them. Someone made a post long ago suggesting new words for the times, one of which was blamestorming. (Apparently it was added to the dictionary in later years.) Essentially, blamestorming is where people try to find a way to assign blame instead of solving a problem. I believe that some jaspers will simply place blame for its own sake, often for the purpose of ridicule, and to build up their own egos at the expense of other people or concepts with which they disagree — often labeling them evil. Ships of Columbus , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1880 Blaming Christopher Columbus Relevant for today is the outrage from social justice warriors about Columbus Day. One particularly risible statement on the web is along the lines of, "You can celebrate Columbus Day by going to someone else's house and saying that you live there now". Some areas eve...