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Showing posts with the label Sex

Assigned Genders and Corporate Foolishness

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A spell back, I wrote about an employee  showing professionalism in a big box store . A customer was ranting about how he was supposedly insulted by another employee, and this one had to hear about it. After a few subsequent visits, I got to know the guy at the store and we had some discussions. One day over lunch, the employee that I will call Aaron gave me some surprising insights into that company and its policies. Those are quite a distance from the vision of the company founder! Image information below This company used to believe in people and listen to employees and customers alike, but I see quality sacrificed for profit. Aaron told me of a revolving door of employees that come in, work for a while, then quit or get fired. While they have some real gems that have worked in this company for many years, many of the younger workers just don't care. You can't find that plaid sheet set that the app says is on the shelf? Try looking behind the boxes of ...

Sexual Dimorphism and You

It is indeed unfortunate that science has become a tool of leftists in many areas, especially regarding sex . This is in defiance of what people have known for thousands of years: men and women are different. In recent years, people have been increasingly rebellious against God's created order . The Happy Lovers ,  Gustave Courbet, 1844 It is frustrating — even infuriating — that this recent trend of establishing genders because someone feels like it. Most people, including those in medical science, know that there are only two genders. You can tell by looking most of the time because of build, bone structure, facial characteristics, and so on. Yes , there are exceptions where a man may be more delicate and a woman can rassle a bear. Sometimes female lions have manes and males have none. But those do not negate the fact that only  male and female exist. Someone may say that what they feel is all that matters. Yeah, and the mark will get you through, it's alright . When...

Gender Reassignment Science Deniers

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Most people in the Western world have needed medical treatment several times in their lives, whether an ongoing condition, routine annual physical, or getting cactus spines removed when your horse bucked you off at the worst possible moment. You are given a form to fill out, and that form asks for your sex. Take a look-see at this PDF of a standard (and many times required) claim form. Right up there in box three, there are two check boxes, one for "male", and one for "female". There are no options for how you feel that day, what you claimed to be yesterday, what bathroom you feel like using , or anything like that. Image modified from Clker clipart; people like color, you know. People can rail against the way God made them all they want. They can take hormone supplements, undergo "gender reassignment surgery" (bodily mutilation), play with the politically correct crowd of how you feel that day, dress like the opposite ge...