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Showing posts with the label Space Exploration

Fake Science News of Phosphine on Venus Overturned

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen So many times, the secular science industry galloping for the fences with "news" supporting minerals-to-machinist evolution. Unfortunately, some biblical creationists are not grounded in the faith or knowledgeable about science, and they panic. "This can be refuted, right?" For example, alleged signs of life on Venus. Original image before tampering from NASA / JPL-Caltech (Usage does not imply endorsement of contents on any of my sites or even of my existence) Something I've cautioned many times is to take it slow and wait. Many new discoveries don't pass the smell test, and end up being discarded later. (Part of the problem there is the secular science industry's lapdog media going for the big sensational story.) Critical thinking and some rational creation science articles help, of course. Most of all, have your faith grounded in the Word, not the ever-changing whims of man-made science philosophies, you savvy? Elsewhere, I pos...

Earthside Reflections on Apollo 11

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited July 21, 2019 It seems like only yesterday — not really, it seems like fifty years ago that Apollo 11's Lunar Module Eagle landed on the moon. As a nine-year-old boy playing with space toys and waiting for the big event, it seemed interminable. Today, I have a better idea about why NASA did not do things on my impatient timetable. Years later, I learned more about just how dangerous space and space travel can be. Scientists have also learned a great deal. Photo of Edwin Aldrin by Neil Armstrong after being run through FotoSketcher Original photo credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I had plastic models and booklets, but also some vinyl records. The "Talespinners for Children" company had a record album that was like a radio play that went through astronomy with Kepler, Galileo, and others. It also contained audio of the moon landing. I'd like to hear it again. The public and I had moved on. Othe...