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Showing posts with the label Creation

Springtime Reminders of Life During Sorrow

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Waking up just before 5 the AM alarm, I try to be quiet and do not stomp around — unlike some folks. The sun has not shown itself in these parts yet. Early spring, but so far, it has been cold and rainy more often than not. Mostly silent outside...and then, "Chirpity derp, chirpity derp." The robin wants to get things going with the morning song. It worked. The northern cardinal selects one of many songs, one I say is, "Birdie birdie birdie tweet tweet tweet tweet ." Robin and bluebird, Birds of New York , Louis Agassiz Fuertes , 1912 The robin is the state bird of Michigan, where I spent my first forty years. (During the day and especially the evening, they are so fussy , clucking and scolding...) After my first marriage failed, I moved to New York to be with Charlene — in almost the same map latitude. When she died seven months ago, a part of me died with her and I did not want to go on. But she would want me to do just that. Charlene loved...

Grassroots, Question Evolution Day, and what is more Important

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Way back on 4 May 2011, Don Batten of Creation Ministries International wrote about a "Question Evolution" campaign. It seemed strange to me, calling it a "grassroots" because it was not initiated at the popular level. Pay attention here. I had a wrong opinion based on conjecture, which is something people do far too often. I did not act on it. Instead, I learned that essentially a grassroots movement/campaign is a way of having the people take action, not a political party or other organization. Those others may initiate the action, however. Grass background for Question Evolution Day from Hippopx CMI seems to have edited down the original, but at the Wayback Machine, you can see an article about the "Question Evolution" campaign plus the comments . Two months later, I added my comment, suggesting a coordinated Question Evolution Day. Nothing happened. If y'all are interested in my comment, click for larger After spearheading ...

Christmas and the Incarnation

Wow, Christmas already? It feels like a year...okay, it happens that way. This post is a follow-up of sorts to " Christmas is More than People Think ", and it would be helpful to read the article linked there before reading this one. Helpful, but not essential. Most professing Christians and some people who give a nod to it celebrate Christmas. Ask them what it means, you will be told that the Son of God was born. There is far more involved than that simple answer provides. Pixabay / Gerd Altmann As a child raised in the Untied Methodist Church (misspelling intentional), I learned my best theology from the hymns and public reading-mumblings of the creeds in the back of the hymnals. My understanding was still very weak, however. I have a vague recollection of getting on the prod when someone said that Jesus is God: "No he isn't! He's the Son  of God!" Later came knowledge of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Then the phrase, ...

Resurrection Day 2022

Glory to God, Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! That means he has defeated death, and all who believe in him have the blessed hope of eternal life. There is a fearful expectation of eternal life in Hell for those who have rejected God's offer of salvation. It is amazing that atheists are so hateful, and without hope in life, that they not only spit in the face of Jesus, but try to destroy our faith. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Our hope is certain because it is based on the person of Jesus. Don't let anyone try to take your eyes off him! Pixabay / congerdesign I'm not going to post an article here. Instead, here's a list of what I've written up for this Easter season. Some of these were written several months in advance: The Crucifixion and Counting to Three — People say it is not possible to get three days from the Crucifixion on Friday to the Resurrection on Sunday. Modern readers of ancient texts have a habit of imposing their own culture...

Waiting for the Return of Jesus

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  A short article by Ken Ham inspired me to write this one, and I will link to it later. He raises some points worth considering. Christians have been waiting for over 2,000 years for his promised return, and as we were told in 2 Peter 3:3-7, unbelievers are mocking us. God has his own timing and reasons. End-times prophecy (eschatology) is a complex and divisive subject. Personally, I believe in the pre-tribulation catching away of the saints. Pexels / Simon Berger Unfortunately, there are people who want to fight about which view is best, and even condemn other Christians for having the "wrong" view. In my experience, it seems that many who hold to amillennial and post-tribulation views are extremely caustic toward pre-trib Christians, but I'll allow that "our side" can be strident at times as well. There's no cause for pride from anyone in having the "right" view, but people sure do seem to want to feel special, don't t...

Christmas is More than People Think

Many people around the world celebrate Christmas, whether born-again believers, cultural Christians, or others who simply want to participate. Secularism has raised dust clouds that obscure the true meaning, with movies and television shows emphasizing the "spirit" of Christmas without the Spirit. Some groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses shun Christmas. While they may accurately point out the commercialism, they also complain about Jesus as a baby. Well, that is  how the man Jesus entered his creation. But they certainly dislike expository preaching and Christian hymns that have true theology. Christmas crib, Freeimages / GERAS One objection to celebrating Christmas is that most people get the details wrong. Things have been tacked on by tradition and misunderstanding Scripture. Yes, there is some of that . In addition, some people become sanctimonious in their refusal to celebrate, saying that the Bible does not command us to celebrate Christmas or Easter. While we are no...

Four-Legged Snake in the News Again

Writing about sciency things can be both fascinating and exasperating. The fascinating part is for those of us who like science, but the exasperating part is doing updates. New discoveries are a part of science, especially regarding origins. Darwin's disciples are continually attempting to rewrite history to accommodate observed evidence and still preserve their narrative of atheistic naturalism. Excitement over a supposed four-legged snake fossil slithered back ( which I posted about earlier ) and disputes continue. Tetrapodophis amplectus , Wikimedia Commons / Ghedoghedo  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) This whole thing was sensationalized from the get-go to promote fish-to-fool evolution and millions of years. Indeed, some important facts about the fossil were not even discussed. It "sheds light" on evolution. Secularists think it would be (insert mouth click here like Cousin Eddie) really nice, but they still have nothing upon which to base that claim. Mayhaps if they realized that...

Shining MORE Light on a Darwinist Deceiver

This is a sequel to a sequel. Earlier, I wrote about anti-creationist tinhorn Paul Braterman and provided links to his deceptive diatribes. We can use his attacks as examples of bigotry and bad reasoning. April 1 is a good day for this (Psalm 14:1), I reckon. Derivative from the 1909 Rider-Waite tarot deck (public domain) The earlier article linked above also included links to other articles on the subject, including how Snopes is biased and unqualified, and they didn't bother to "fact check" Braterman's rant on their site. Bad Paulie put burrs under a passel of saddle blankets, didn't he? If you see him, ask why, if evolution were true, would there be a need to misrepresent creationists and to abandon reason. Here, we have a short article from the Institute for Creation Research that has some thoughts worth considering.  Paul Braterman, emeritus professor of chemistry at the University of Glasgow, recently claimed online that creationism “meets all the criteria”...

Shining the Light on a Darwinist Deceiver

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is part 2 of Conspiracy Theories, Creation, and Reason , but takes a different approach. We saw how a number of factors contribute to the act of purveying conspiracy theories, and how there are several reasons why people believe them. Then there is the alleged creation science conspiracy. Credit: Unsplash / Steve Johnson We have three articles to consider, two of which are from the same ministry. Naturally there will be some overlap, but they each offer material that comprise a larger picture. There was a time when if someone had a question about, say, that 2002 email saying the teddy bear icon in Windows was really a virus. They could check Snopes and find out that it was a hoax , and they could search for urban legends. Unfortunately, they became heavily involved in promoting leftist political views with "fact checking", and their credibility became questionable. Snopes even attacked the parody site Babylon Bee (one of whose slogans is " fa...

Conspiracy Theories, Creation, and Reason — Part 1

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  For the tenth annual Question Evolution Day , we will examine striking similarities between some outlandish conspiracy theories and evolutionary thinking. Readers of Piltdown Superman saw that evolutionists freely use logical fallacies, and these are plentiful in the most outlandish conspiracy theories. Variation based on one of the early graphics for QED In my biblical creation science work, I've learned quite a bit about logic. I'll allow that I still have more to learn. Many aspects of logic are actually quite simple to lasso, such as  basic errors in reasoning . We expect scientists to use logic and science to back up their claims, but critical thinking becomes very important when examining dubious evidence about minerals-to-miner evolution. The same can be applied to conspiracy theories. We can be bombarded with reports about various conspiracy theories, and they crop up in all sorts of areas. It's mighty tempting to ask the people who float so...

Silencing President Trump and Me

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is going to cover a few shocking points that should be of concern to people who value free speech. Donald Trump and I are best buddies — yeah, like he knows that I even exist. But we do have a few things in common regarding censorship. Made at PhotoFunia I was riding the Fakebook trail one night in March of 2013 when I was suddenly booted. Huh? They demanded proof of my age! After complying, I was told,  Upon investigation, we have determined that you are ineligible to use Facebook. You can view our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities at the following address: Unfortunately, for safety and security reasons, we cannot provide additional information as to why your account was disabled. This decision is final. Thanks for your understanding Security reasons? Oh, please! Upon searching, this has happened to other people as well. They did not receive explanations or reinstatement, either. I thought it was a flu...

Fake Science News of Phosphine on Venus Overturned

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen So many times, the secular science industry galloping for the fences with "news" supporting minerals-to-machinist evolution. Unfortunately, some biblical creationists are not grounded in the faith or knowledgeable about science, and they panic. "This can be refuted, right?" For example, alleged signs of life on Venus. Original image before tampering from NASA / JPL-Caltech (Usage does not imply endorsement of contents on any of my sites or even of my existence) Something I've cautioned many times is to take it slow and wait. Many new discoveries don't pass the smell test, and end up being discarded later. (Part of the problem there is the secular science industry's lapdog media going for the big sensational story.) Critical thinking and some rational creation science articles help, of course. Most of all, have your faith grounded in the Word, not the ever-changing whims of man-made science philosophies, you savvy? Elsewhere, I pos...

Obey the Consensus Because Experts are Smarter than You

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen We have seen numerous example of how people are unwilling, even unable, to think rationally and challenge assertions. Many are willing to follow what "scientists say", but this is often a cessation of thought. Worse is appealing to the majority — the so-called consensus . Original image: Unsplash / Jo-Anne McArthur , modified at Big Huge Labs Let's mount up and ride to the top of yonder hill and get the bigger picture. Dr. Michael Crichton had some excellent statements about how science and consensus are mutually exclusive . While there is a consensus on many things, those things are not necessarily ironclad facts. Also, the consensus is often wrong and even biased: Geocentrism (the earth stands still while the sun, moon and stars orbit it) was the prevalent view for a mighty long time Things burned because they had phlogiston  in them Ignaz Semmelweis determined that doctors should wash their hands, but was ridiculed Piltdown Man fooled the scie...

Sexual Dimorphism and You

It is indeed unfortunate that science has become a tool of leftists in many areas, especially regarding sex . This is in defiance of what people have known for thousands of years: men and women are different. In recent years, people have been increasingly rebellious against God's created order . The Happy Lovers ,  Gustave Courbet, 1844 It is frustrating — even infuriating — that this recent trend of establishing genders because someone feels like it. Most people, including those in medical science, know that there are only two genders. You can tell by looking most of the time because of build, bone structure, facial characteristics, and so on. Yes , there are exceptions where a man may be more delicate and a woman can rassle a bear. Sometimes female lions have manes and males have none. But those do not negate the fact that only  male and female exist. Someone may say that what they feel is all that matters. Yeah, and the mark will get you through, it's alright . When...

No Ape-Man Consciousness HERE, Pilgrim!

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Do you ever think about thinking? Although it seems like an odd notion, that kind of woolgathering can be oddly pleasurable. Out on the highway, traffic on my right was going to merge. In the interests of safety and courtesy, I was going to move into the left lane. Nope, occupied. So I slowed down and let the other car merge that way. Those thoughts took about a second. My wife and I were on our way to the Ashokan Reservoir. This was partly to get some miles on the car because it needed a boost (jump start), and to just give ourselves an outing before the main heat of the day set in. Nice day for it, and I like seeing our part of the Catskill Mountains and the reservoir. It has been a busy day for cognating. After a fitful night because I could not get comfortable and my mind still wanted to work, I got into the shower. Do I want the same shower gel I used last time or that one that is supposed to smell like ocean mist? I took the same as before, it...