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Showing posts with the label Piltdown Superman

Conspiracy Theories, Creation, and Reason — Part 1

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  For the tenth annual Question Evolution Day , we will examine striking similarities between some outlandish conspiracy theories and evolutionary thinking. Readers of Piltdown Superman saw that evolutionists freely use logical fallacies, and these are plentiful in the most outlandish conspiracy theories. Variation based on one of the early graphics for QED In my biblical creation science work, I've learned quite a bit about logic. I'll allow that I still have more to learn. Many aspects of logic are actually quite simple to lasso, such as  basic errors in reasoning . We expect scientists to use logic and science to back up their claims, but critical thinking becomes very important when examining dubious evidence about minerals-to-miner evolution. The same can be applied to conspiracy theories. We can be bombarded with reports about various conspiracy theories, and they crop up in all sorts of areas. It's mighty tempting to ask the people who float so...

Piltdown Superman and the Burning Heart

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Strange title, isn't it? Sounds like something in a young adult book series, number eight following  Piltdown Superman and the Clock in the Tower and The Case of the Vanishing Aircar.  Actually, this is a bit of an introspective and autobiographical thing; it helps me get some thoughts spelled out, and also reveals a bit of "behind the scenes" information for the few who may find it a mite interesting. And maybe I can get rid of an earworm . But I can't explain why I felt so compelled to write this article. "Burning Heart" image credit: / digitalart People who have heard my interviews and podcasts may remember this part of the story. Way back yonder when I began the " Evolutionary Truth by Piltdown Superman  (There is no truth in goo-to-you evolution)" site, I was wondering what to call it. Piltdown Man was a fraudulent evolutionary ancestor that fooled many scientists for over 40 years, so put...

Landing Space

The last thing I need is another Weblog, but there are several reasons for making this one. It will be a landing space for people who want to know about the various places that I write posts and articles (" Piltdown Superman " is my most active). The list of pages at the top are where I'm currently active, and I will be adding a few more, including my Christian testimony, maybe a "best of", as well as some others. This is , and redirects here. No, I don't think I look like Rembrandt's scholar . A rather lengthy testimony will be posted at a later date, but I'll tell you a little about myself. Some people put me on their enemies lists, since I am a Bible-believing Christian, biblical ("young earth") creationist, use Scripture and science to refute evolution, have a presuppositional apologetics streak (there is no "leave the Bible out of this and use neutral ground" in me), and...