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Showing posts with the label Biblical Creation

Breaking News: C.H. Spurgeon did not Compose Sacred Writ

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Research indicates, science shows (when someone uses one or both of those phrases, you know something is guaranteed to be a fact) that the English Baptist preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon did not write any portion of the Bible. In addition, books of his sermons cannot legitimately be considered as sacred writ. Someone may object, "I don't cotton to your insinuation that Spurgeon fans think that his writings are infallible!" Well, I did get your attention, didn't I? Now let this child 'spain hisself. I'm choosing Rev. Spurgeon as my first example because so many people admire him. Yes, the "Prince of Preachers" had some good things to say. Yes, professing Christians know that he didn't get a revelation brought by an angel on golden plates that is to be a third testament to the Bible. No, I do not dislike him. In fact, many people that I admire use his material. Right, Phil, Todd, Dr. Mac, Dr. James, and others? I...

Morality and Spy Stuff

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen What is spying ? That word has various meanings depending the individual. The meaning seems to have broadened nowadays, what with advances in technology, internet usage, and all that. Generally, it is obtaining information for your own purposes through secretive means. This is often done illegally or at least without the subject's knowledge and approval. Because I work with protected information, my employer has cameras to help them ride herd on us. Although we know about them, some folks feel "spied on". It is legal. Credit: Pixabay / Free-Photos Privacy concerns on the internet have given rise to encryption software for email and browsers, and even for files on your computer. Cyber security checks for and attempts to thwart spyware and malware that track your browser activity, and to keep hackers out of your system. Your smart TV is probably spying on you, and the makers do not have your best interests at heart. There is also industrial ...

Thoughts on the Passing of Billy Graham

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen On February 21, 2018, a man beloved by millions of Christians died. Billy Graham was 99 years old, and spent decades preaching the straightforward gospel. I am not going to give you a mini biography since many other people have already done that. However, I have some things to say about him. Interesting that my father, a pastor in the ever-increasingly liberal United Methodist denomination, was fond of this Baptist preacher. Franklin (left) and Billy Graham, 1995, photo by Paul Walsh People packed out entire stadiums to see Billy Graham crusades, and many of those were supporters, some excited about his celebrity status, Christians bringing friends, the curious — and those who didn't know why, but were drawn by the Spirit of God. Although I had never attended a formal crusade, I think I was taken to see an associate of Graham, Leighton Ford . Back when I was a youngster, I was taken to see a movie from World Wide Pictures, the cinematic division of...

Pondering My Legacy

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen We keep hearing about a "legacy" in these parts, especially when a president is ending, or has ended, a term in office. I don't rightly recollect hearing the word used until recent years, maybe with President Bill Clinton. What is a legacy? The first definition that Merriam-Webster gives involves bequeathed money or property, but that's clearly not what's being discussed. The second definition is: "something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past". That's where we want to be. Image credit: Morguefile / genieslot Nobody is going to become wealthy from my financial legacy.  In the bigger scheme of things, a legacy would be something substantial that was left behind, hopefully to benefit subsequent generations. That's the key to this article. Perhaps when someone's name is mentioned, it brings to mind that certain beneficial something. Unfortunately, people have left legaci...

Saying What I Believe

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Once again, I was inspired to write an article by listening to a podcast. A recent episode by Matt Walsh began with some introductory remarks that fit what I'm doing. I disremember if he used these words, but essentially, he's not going to carry water for the Republican party; if someone deserves criticism, he'll give it to them. Walsh likes to say what he thinks and believes, and believes that's the right way to go. Image credit: Morguefile / Irish_Eyes Although I'm a cowboy at heart and tend to take quick action when I feel it's necessary, I want to say what I believe; I want to think I'm doing that very thing. My calling is biblical creation science, but I'm not carrying water for all creation science ministries, individuals involved, or each article. There are some cults out there that claim to be biblical creationists , as well as greenhorns, and even folks that are just plain nuts, so there's no reason for me ...

Errand Boy

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 7-10-2016 Another installment from the "Personal Musings Department". Something that this cowboy-at-heart has in common with Dr. Who is in the 1969 episode of "The War Games", the final story for the second Doctor (Patrick Troughton). In Episode 8, Jamie McCrimmon asks why the Time Lords are angry with him. The Doctor replies, "Well, It is a fact, Jamie, that I do tend to get involved with things". Part of Jamie's reply is, "Aye, you can say that again". That seems to fit me rather well. I want to present the truth, refute evolution, defend Christianity against heresy, and so on. Generally, I like to help people, especially in spiritual matters. People will post questions at The Question Evolution Project and occasionally on my " Public Figure " Facebook Pages. Great! Sometimes, I even know the answers myself. Other times, sorry, I just don't know. There are many resources available from pe...

What If I'm Right?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen No, this isn't a form of Pascal's Wager . I just got to speculating one day. Eschatology is not my strong point. I'll hear arguments from Amillennialists and Preterists (not the hyperpreterist heretics, though) that make some good points. However, I believe that the Premillennialist pre-tribulation rapture position is the strongest. Unfortunately, there are professing Christian sanctimonious tinhorns in various camps who take the "Premillennialism is a heresy that must be refuted " view. Not interested. Some even use the appeal to motive  fallacy of "Pretribs just want to escape, so they want to sit around doing nothing while they wait for Jesus to come and take them away". I don't cotton to the opposite happening, either. That's no way for Christians to act! Have rational discussions, if you please. " The Last Judgement " by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1904 Seems like through the ages, people have been saying t...

Question Evolution Day and my CMI Article

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It's kind of fun to give a bit of background information, and I believe that people like some of the personal stuff. Whenever something is submitted for publication, it needs to meet guidelines, and is subject to editing. (Probably the only "pure" way to get your content exactly the way you wrote it is to put it on your own Weblog.) I have thousands of posts and articles on my own Weblogs, but have had only a few published by organizations. Aside from letters to newspaper editors, I think my first publication was in the May 1991 Bible-Science Newsletter (PDF scan available here) , which is now Creation Moments . Surprisingly, that one was published "as is". Other items I wrote for people that were edited, and even had some collaboration, such as at 101 Arguments . My submissions to Michigan Bicyclist Magazine in the late 1990s had a mix, some were edited, one was mostly "as is". Another printed publication was so he...

Dinosaurs in the Bible

This subject has been coming up more frequently, as far as I can tell. Podcasts with Michael Boehm and David Harrison, " Did Dinosaurs and Man Coexist ?" Here are two posts on this that I have done that link to interesting articles: Is the Biblical "Flying Fiery Serpent" a Pteranodon? Behemoth and Leviathan — Bible Dinosaurs?  If you go to biblical creation science sites, you can search and find more articles on them.

Taking a Stand for Biblical Truth Regarding Same-Sex "Marriage"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In today's political climate where tolerance has been redefined to mean acceptance, it is risky to stand for biblical truth. Especially regarding homosexual lifestyles and "marriage". People can lose their social media accounts, lose friendships, lose fellowship with liberal Christians, lose their jobs, alienate family members, get sued, and, in some cases, get arrested for "hate speech". Post something some people don't like, they get "offended" and show that those who call for "tolerance" are actually intolerant hypocrites because we can't express our views. Click for larger I know that I am taking a risk by saying that homosexuality is a sin. Despite Joel Osteen and other Rev. Dr. Feelgood preachers, Jesus never promised us an easy time of being a disciple. (I used to have a picture of Jesus with the caption, " I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it ". Not exactly...

Interview on "A View from the Bunker"

Maybe he's scrounging for material, but Derek Gilbert allowed me back on his show. SCIENTISTS HAVE found–not for the first time–blood and soft tissue inside dinosaur bones. How is it that tissue that decomposes in at most 2.7 million years (when frozen) can remain fresh inside 65-75 million year old fossils? Cowboy Bob Sorensen, creator of the Question Evolution Project, joins us to discuss the evidence (including Carbon-14 in dinosaur bones) and some of the logical fallacies of Darwinists. See Bob’s other resources at It can be heard or downloaded at " VFTB 253: Cowboy Bob Sorensen – Dinosaur Blood ".

Landing Space

The last thing I need is another Weblog, but there are several reasons for making this one. It will be a landing space for people who want to know about the various places that I write posts and articles (" Piltdown Superman " is my most active). The list of pages at the top are where I'm currently active, and I will be adding a few more, including my Christian testimony, maybe a "best of", as well as some others. This is , and redirects here. No, I don't think I look like Rembrandt's scholar . A rather lengthy testimony will be posted at a later date, but I'll tell you a little about myself. Some people put me on their enemies lists, since I am a Bible-believing Christian, biblical ("young earth") creationist, use Scripture and science to refute evolution, have a presuppositional apologetics streak (there is no "leave the Bible out of this and use neutral ground" in me), and...