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Showing posts with the label Evangelism

Thoughts on the Passing of Billy Graham

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen On February 21, 2018, a man beloved by millions of Christians died. Billy Graham was 99 years old, and spent decades preaching the straightforward gospel. I am not going to give you a mini biography since many other people have already done that. However, I have some things to say about him. Interesting that my father, a pastor in the ever-increasingly liberal United Methodist denomination, was fond of this Baptist preacher. Franklin (left) and Billy Graham, 1995, photo by Paul Walsh People packed out entire stadiums to see Billy Graham crusades, and many of those were supporters, some excited about his celebrity status, Christians bringing friends, the curious — and those who didn't know why, but were drawn by the Spirit of God. Although I had never attended a formal crusade, I think I was taken to see an associate of Graham, Leighton Ford . Back when I was a youngster, I was taken to see a movie from World Wide Pictures, the cinematic division of...