by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
In today's political climate where tolerance has been redefined to mean acceptance, it is risky to stand for biblical truth. Especially regarding homosexual lifestyles and "marriage". People can lose their social media accounts, lose friendships, lose fellowship with liberal Christians, lose their jobs, alienate family members, get sued, and, in some cases, get arrested for "hate speech". Post something some people don't like, they get "offended" and show that those who call for "tolerance" are actually intolerant hypocrites because we can't express our views.
I know that I am taking a risk by saying that homosexuality is a sin. Despite Joel Osteen and other Rev. Dr. Feelgood preachers, Jesus never promised us an easy time of being a disciple. (I used to have a picture of Jesus with the caption, "I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it". Not exactly scriptural, but still true.) On June 27 2015, I wrote an extensive article with over 30 links, and made adjustments on the 28th (plus an addendum today, July 2). It was published on Monday, June 29. This puts me on record, and also my online ministry, "The Question Evolution Project". Sure, I can lose supporters (not financial, I do not seek or accept contributions), and have other difficulties. That's the price.
Hopefully, people will use the links for research and a fuller understanding of what the Bible says about homosexuality, what God intended at creation, and that homosexual "marriage" is a misnomer. I'll say again here something I said in the article, that the Supreme Court ruling and same-sex marriage has nothing to do with "love", that's just an emotional manipulation trick. To see the links-o-riffic article, click on "Homosexual "Marriage", Creation, and the Bible".
In today's political climate where tolerance has been redefined to mean acceptance, it is risky to stand for biblical truth. Especially regarding homosexual lifestyles and "marriage". People can lose their social media accounts, lose friendships, lose fellowship with liberal Christians, lose their jobs, alienate family members, get sued, and, in some cases, get arrested for "hate speech". Post something some people don't like, they get "offended" and show that those who call for "tolerance" are actually intolerant hypocrites because we can't express our views.
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Hopefully, people will use the links for research and a fuller understanding of what the Bible says about homosexuality, what God intended at creation, and that homosexual "marriage" is a misnomer. I'll say again here something I said in the article, that the Supreme Court ruling and same-sex marriage has nothing to do with "love", that's just an emotional manipulation trick. To see the links-o-riffic article, click on "Homosexual "Marriage", Creation, and the Bible".
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