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Some Things I Just Can't Say

Changes in my writing over the years. There are some things I just can't say for various reasons.
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

Giving in to the urging of others, in late June of 2007 I began a Weblog that I called "Stormbringer's Thunder" — and wrote some pretty crummy stuff as well as some good things. Somewhere in there was "Cowboy Bob's Western Values", probably around 2010, but I deleted that. After I rededicated my life to Jesus, I made "A Soldier for Jesus". That name no longer exists, but I went with "Biblical Creation and Evangelism" later, and moved many of the articles to the new Weblog. Weak title, I know. Finally, the strongest and most consistent one, "Evolutionary Truth by Piltdown Superman" (there is no truth in goo-to-you evolution). Over the years, I've written literally thousands of posts and articles (I use both words, posts for usually shorter things where I recommend the work of smarter people, and articles for things I've written). There was a point that I went through and deleted many articles and posts (hundreds, I think), mainly from "Stormbringer's Thunder".

What if I told you that I've struggled with depression for years, and decided that medication was not helping? I stopped taking antidepressants and seeing therapists several years ago. 

When I started out, I used some bravado that was inspired by Rush Limbaugh. You know, "With half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair". Not those words, but with a fair amount of attitude. I wrote "in character" (some of the older posts have Italian slang in them). While some people have a good sense of humor, others will get all het up when someone uses bravado, and use it as a means of attacking people instead of dealing with the content. 

Nowadays, I can't say something like: It may come as a shock to you, but the mother of my kids is actually smarter than I am. With our combined DNA, if they used their minds to further creation science, anti-creationists would be seriously disadvantaged. Nope, can't say that, even though it's true.

As an aside, my readers know that I like plays on words. Fortunately, I've been able to keep away from coarse joking, tempting as it is. In fact, I've been around people who will find an excuse to turn just about anything into a crude joke, so it's become a habit to try to avoid giving people such excuses. Sorry, can't give you an example.

People seem to have a problem with someone expressing things with confidence, whether about themselves or having certainty about what is being expressed. And yet, it's acceptable to leftists and atheists when people they agree with will express something confidently or even with arrogance and condescension. Double standards.

As I've grown in my spiritual walk, I've cut way back on other things I've said, and use more care in expression. It gets difficult sometimes, because I like humor (especially plays on words and fallacies of ambiguity). Don't get me wrong, I'm open to correction when someone will offer a "You should have phrased that differently, how about..." suggestion. I'll never get things done perfectly, there's always a fault-finder available to criticize little things. Hopefully, we all grow and learn.


  1. Wow you've been around the block in terms of blogging. Thanks for sharing this as it takes humility!


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