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Don't Let's do the Genetic Fallacy Our Ownselves

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

One of the first fallacies used by people who need rescuing from inconvenient truths is to reject something based on its source. This is known as the genetic fallacy. Now, don't be galloping on ahead of me. It can take a mighty long time to consider the truth claims based on every source, so those can be weeded out if they have a record of biased, sensational, or just plan silly reporting. For instance, Pravda (meaning "truth") was a propaganda arm of the Soviet Union, and people both inside and outside the USSR knew there was no truth in Truth back then. Many times, people will reject something, valid or not, because they dislike the source and the content gets them angry.

Atheists and evolutionists are known for rejecting something because they do not like the sources. We must try to avoid being like them.
Credit: Unsplash / Егор Камелев
Atheists and evolutionists reject articles and videos from Christians and biblical creationists because they came from sources that they dislike. One tinhorn refused to consider secular science refuting his adoration of an interstellar asteroid (or maybe comet) because of its source, and in a way, he obtained permission from an atheist wiki to do so. That's a faulty appeal to authority, but never mind about that now. An amazing display of misotheist bigotry and the genetic fallacy can be seen in the post and comments here. The angry atheopaths were ridiculing creationists and Christians, but when challenged, were unable to demonstrate why the materials were "unscientific".

Very easy example of the genetic fallacy
I have a specific purpose for writing this here article. As Christians, we have to be better than they are, and use logic for the glory of God. However, I have been saddened to see professing Christians rejecting something that may be beneficial to them because of their origins. Some of y'all may remember that I refuse to identify as Calvinist or Arminian. But I learn from people on both sides of that fence, and from others that I have no idea which group, if either, they identify.

There are posts I've made from Calvinists, and people have rejected The Question Evolution Project (and maybe this child personally) because they dislike the people in the posts. That's no excuse to avoid something that may be beneficial to you, pilgrim. Check if the content is honoring to God, true, faithfully handles God's Word, and does not proclaim false teachings. (I'll allow that some in the Reformed tradition seem fond of congratulating themselves on their theology, but I am in no wise posting those things.) One hang-up I have, however, is that I will not post something from cults and false teachers, even if it's true, for fear that I may appear to be endorsing them. I have to work on getting that consistent and explainable.

So, we don't want to act like those who hate us. Use discernment, rational thought, and be Christian about something. You don't have to like it, but don't be hiding, neither. Savvy that?
