It has been common knowledge for decades that drugs affect the mind, and the 1960s drug use explosion helped establish cannabis as a household word. Stoners would proudly display the sweet leaf emblem of their false god.
Even though marijuana use has been legalized in many states for medicinal purposes, results are dubious at best. Smoking a joint can actually worsen medical conditions. It has been known for years that cannabis users get paranoid and lethargic, but things are actually much worse.
Original image from Pexels / Kindel Media, modified, plus a modified Wicca symbol from Open Clipart |
Affirming what many already knew, but also adding a further warning, is that Mary Jane is a bad girl and messes with your mind. Cannabis contributes to psychoses, and makes conditions like schizophrenia even worse.
New research is increasingly supporting the premise that the effects of cannabis, commonly called marijuana, can be very harmful to health. One significant study from 2012 was published in the leading American medical journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The research provided further support for the conclusion that the mind-altering drug marijuana is an important factor influencing the onset of schizophrenia. Scientists in Denmark used a nationwide, register-based cohort sample to research “the population-attributable risk fraction for cannabis-use disorder in schizophrenia” and found that it “increased from approximately 2% in the period to 1995 to approximately 6% to 8% since 2010.”
To read the rest, fly on over to "Cannabis Use Linked to Mental Disorders". Also recommended are "What does the Bible say about witchcraft / witches?" and "Smoking that Doobie, Brother".
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